Wednesday, November 17, 2010


In 5th grade, my teacher took us on a field trip to Monticello. I remember walking around outside - it was a gloomy day and everyone was running around in the mud. Last night's reading brought me back to everything I saw back then, but it made me wish I could go there now, after reading the history behind the architecture and landscape. I would like to notice the architectural details Jefferson installed and analyze the reasons he did so - to make a political statement, to create an identity with the "American House," because he was inspired by neo-classicism and French architecture.  It would be so enlightening to actually see the things we read about. That's one of the things I love so much about living near DC - a lot of the things I read about in history classes are the things I have access to see almost any day I want. Maybe I'll go to Monticello this summer...

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